Project Details

You have a choice to write a term paper or do a software project using our cloud computing test bed called FutureSystems. However, we encourage you to do a software project that can be done as a group project. You can form teams of up to 3 people. Sample project details are given later. You can use the BDAA slack project channel to form project teams and also create a private group for your team if you like.

Accessing Hadoop Cluster

If your project is going to use Hadoop Cluster, the next page will be useful. You will get a Hadoop Cluster on FutureSystems with your fg-475 membership.

OpenStack Kilo FutureSystems (IaaS)

If you need to use the latest OpenStack Cloud, consider to use OpenStack Kilo on FutureSystems. The software of the supported projects are available in OpenStack Kilo as virtual machine images. You may want to start your project by creating your own virtual instance with the image. The details are:

Sample Software Projects or Term Paper

We provide a few examples of projects and papers. Please use them as your references.