TeraSort Hadoop Benchmark Example

Hadoop provides terabyte (TB) sort competition to run Hadoop benchmarking with sorting large data files e.g. 1TB or 1PB (1000x 1TB). The performance of HDFS and MapReduce workloads are evaluated with the speed of TeraSort computation, for example, sorting 1 terabyte was done in 3.48 minutes in 2008 by Yahoo! Inc. with 910 x 4 dual-core processors, but sorting 494.6 terabytes was done in the same amount of time in 2013 with 2100 nodes x hexa-core processors. The combination of hardware setup and software configuration does accelerate the performance of Hadoop and TeraSort program is used to measure the performance of a Hadoop system. There are three packages to conduct the benchmark: TeraGen which generates input data given by the size, TeraSort which sorts the input data files, and TeraValidate which validates the results. The elapsed time of TeraSort is the measure of the performance of Hadoop.

Get Started

  • Login to Frontend
  • Check HDFS by `hadoop dfs -ls`


Hadoop basic commands and web interfaces are introduced here


  • Generate a input data with 1GB (Change the size as you wish)
hadoop jar /opt/hadoop/share/hadoop/mapreduce/hadoop-*examples*.jar  teragen `expr 1024 \* 1024 \* 1024` /user/$USER/terasort-input


Add this option between teragen and the size above. This is a number of map tasks.

  • -Dmapred.map.tasks=(vcpu numbers - 1)


hadoop jar /opt/hadoop/share/hadoop/mapreduce/hadoop-*examples*.jar  terasort /user/$USER/terasort-input /user/$USER/terasort-output


Add this option between terasort and the size above. This is a number of reduce tasks.

  • -Dmapred.reduce.task=(vcpu numbers divided by 2)


hadoop jar /opt/hadoop/share/hadoop/mapreduce/hadoop-*examples*.jar teravalidate   /user/$USER/terasort-output /user/$USER/terasort-report


One reduce task is fine because teravalidate is a simple program to combine results.

  • -Dmapred.reduce.task=1

Clean Up

After your benchmark, don’t forget to delete input and output directories for TeraSort. Otherwise the free space of HDFS will be consumed quickly.
